CR245L Digital Design I Lab Course Syllabus
Spring 2018

I.             General Information

Instructor: Dr. Jeffrey N. Denenberg or

(203) 767-3850 (Google Voice)

Room: Bannow 133

Hours: Section 01-Tuesday 2:00PM to 4:00PM
Section 02-Wednesday 2:00PM to 4:00PM

Office Hours: M/T/W/R 5:00 – 6:00 or by appointment

II.                  Course Description
This hands-on lab covers the basic concepts of digital circuit design. Students will use both schematic capture and HDL synthesis design methodologies in the Altera Quartus II development environment to create, analyze, and build various combinational and/or sequential logic circuits. These circuits will be implemented on the DE2-115 development board, which includes an Altera Cyclone IV Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), along with many standard peripheral components.

III.                Class Structure
Most sessions will begin with a brief presentation by the professor, followed by a project for the students to complete.

IV.                What to Bring
All labs, with the possible exception of the final project, are intended to be self-contained. All necessary reference material and equipment will be provided.

V.                  Computer & Handheld Device Usage Policy
Students may not use personal computers, tablet computers, or handheld electronic devices while the instructor is presenting for any reason. When the instructor is not presenting, students may use such devices for course purposes only.

VI.                Academic Integrity
Students are encouraged to work together and to help one another during class. However, written assignments must be the original work of the student or group of
students in their entirety, and they must be completed without any assistance from others. Failure to comply with these standards will result in a failing grade and
referral to the Dean for disciplinary action.

VII.        Grading

a.       Lab execution – 25%.
For all labs, with the exception of the Lab Practical, students will be required to demonstrate a working circuit or solution to the professor during the lab session. These labs will be graded on a pass / fail basis.

b.      Lab Reflections – 10%.
After doing each lab all students will submit, via Blackboard, a short thoughtful reflection on what was learned and how it relates to what the professor is discussing in the lecture course.

c.       Lab Practical – 25%.

The last lab of the course will be a Lab Practical. For this lab, students will work individually to complete a comprehensive lab. This lab will be graded on a letter grade basis.

d.      Final Project – 30%.
Students may work in groups of three or four on the final project. A concept proposal for the final project must be approved by the professor prior to March 22, 2018. Students will be asked to write a report for their final project which will be due, along with a final demonstration, on the last day of class.

e.      Course “Citizenship” – 10%
Students are expected to be good “citizens” of the course and will be graded accordingly at the discretion of the professor. The following guidelines describe good course citizenship.
Do – Participate in class, share your questions, thoughts, experiences, and humor.
Do Not – Monopolize class time, lead the discussion off topic, or be distracting or disruptive.
Do – Help your classmates if they are stuck, and help them learn the material.
Do Not – Do your classmate’s work for them.
Do – Hold the University, class, and professor to high standards, and voice any concerns or issues you may have in a professional manner.
Do Not – Wine, complain excessively, or be unrealistic in your expectations.
Do – Get to know and connect with your classmates and the instructor, and get extra help when needed.
Do Not – Be disrespectful of the professor’s time.
Do – Come to class on time, stay focused, be positive and enthusiastic.
Do – Take good care of the lab equipment and return it in the neat, clean condition in which you found it.

VIII.      Course Schedule

Sec 01

Sec 02




Course Introduction & Lab 1



Lab 2



Lab 3



Lab 4



Snow – No Class



Lab 5



No Class – Tuesday is Monday



Lab 6



Lab 7



No Class - Spring Break



Lab 8



Lab Practical



Final Project I



Final Project II



Final Project III



Final Project & Presentation Due



Final Exam Week – No class

IX.          Absence from Class, Tardiness & Late Assignments

a.       Absence from Class
Attendance for each session is mandatory. In the event of absence due to extenuating circumstances, students must provide an acceptable explanation along with documented verification. In such a case, the professor may at his discretion excuse the student from the lab.

b.      Tardiness from Class
The instructor will begin presenting promptly at 2:10, at which time all students are required to be in their seat and ready to begin. Students who arrive after 2:10 will receive a warning the first time, and will be turned away thereafter. In the event that a student is turned away due to late arrival, he or she will be treated as absent and may be excused according to the absence policy described above.

c.       Late Assignments
Any written assignments must be turned in on time. In the event that a student is unable to turn in an assignment on time due to extenuating circumstances, he or she must provide an acceptable explanation along with documented verification. If such information is provided, the professor will determine an appropriate remedy at his discretion.

d.      Timeliness for Extenuating Circumstances
In the event of extenuating circumstances, students are required to notify the professor as soon as is practical, and if applicable, will be required to complete any missed work as soon as their situation allows.

X.                  Laboratory Materials – All lab descriptions and data files are available here and on BlackBoard