Why Can't IPsec and NAT Just Get Along? |
by Mike Fratto |
November 20, 2000
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Both IPsec and NAT have been with us for some time, but making them play together has been hard work. To IP gurus, NAT (Network Address Translation) is an ugly kludge because it changes the way IP works at a fundamental level. To you, the network manager responsible for handling network-addressing issues, NAT is often your friend, regardless of whether you're at a large ISP or enterprise, or at an SME (small-to-medium enterprise). Why? Because NAT lets you hide networks and hosts in a variety of ways. Likewise, IPsec (IP security) is your friend because you can securely connect remote offices and users over the Internet.
However, the architecture of the IPsec protocol suite and the dearth of IPsec-aware NAT devices have created problems in getting the two to work together seamlessly. The simplest solution is to have a broadband router that performs NAT and VPN (virtual private networking) on the same device, so you don't have to muck around making IPsec and NAT play nice. But because you don't always have that luxury, you should know about some of the ways vendors are addressing the IPsec-NAT issue and its implications. (For more information on NAT, see "Network Address Translation: Hiding in Plain Sight"; for more information on IPsec, see "Identifying a VPN for Your Company".)
NAT Forms
There are two primary NAT implementations. Dynamic address NAT assigns a temporary external IP address to a private IP address, translating only the IP address. Dynamic address NAT is used mostly in dial-up or in on-demand connections in which remote connections go up and down frequently (see " Dynamic Address NAT," at right). While the remote user is connected, he or she is assigned a single IP address; once that user disconnects, the IP address is released to be reused at a later time.

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