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There are many other important queueing models which are useful in networking.
M/M/k for k > 1. Multiple (k) servers.
- Good model of a link which is made up of multiple channels,
either physically or through multiplexing
(e.g. a T1 Carrier is typically time division multiplexed
with k = 24).
- Has worse performance at lower loads than M/M/1
with same total capacity.
- M/M/k/k for k
One or more servers, no buffers (except one in each server).
- Important model in circuit switched networks.
- Models a trunk line with k circuits available.
- Any customer (a call) which doesn't get a circuit is blocked
(gets a busy signal).
- Blocking probability is given by the Erlang B (or Erlang Loss)

- M/G/1. Arbitrary service (packet length) distribution.
- M/D/1. Deterministic service times (packet length).
- Special case of M/G/1 with

- Under heavy load (
M/D/1 has half the delay of an M/M/1.
- This is one motivation for fixed-packet-length systems like ATM.
- Can also model and analyze other queueing systems
- With priority.
- With more general arrival processes.
- With ``vacations."
- Many others.
- See Schwartz (Ch. 2), Kleinrock (Vol. I & II) or take 35.682/92.682,
Queuing (sic) Systems and Applications.
Ken Vastola
Fri Mar 15 14:12:07 EST 1996