Chapter 11
Capacitive Charging, Discharging, and Simple Waveshaping Circuits

Capacitor charging and discharging
Transient voltages and currents result when  circuit is switched


Capacitor Charging
Charging a capacitor that is discharged
When switch is closed, the current instantaneously jumps to E/R
Exponentially decays to zero
When switching, the capacitor looks like a short circuit

Capacitor Charging
Voltage begins at zero and exponentially increases to E volts
Capacitor voltage cannot change instantaneously

Capacitor Charging
Capacitor voltage has shape shown:

Steady State Conditions
Circuit is at steady state
When voltage and current reach their final values and stop changing
Capacitor has voltage across it, but no current flows through the circuit
Capacitor looks like an open circuit

Capacitor Discharging
Assume capacitor has E volts across it when it begins to discharge
Current will instantly jump to –E/R
Both voltage and current will decay exponentially to zero

Capacitor Discharging
Here are the decay waveforms:

Capacitor Charging Equations
Voltages and currents in a charging circuit do not change instantaneously
These changes over time are exponential changes

Capacitor Charging Equations
Equation for voltage across the capacitor as a function of time is

Capacitor Charging Equations
Voltage across resistor is found from KVL: E - vC
The current in the circuit is

Capacitor Charging Equations
Values may be determined from these equations
Waveforms are shown to right

The Time Constant
Rate at which a capacitor charges depends on product of R and C
Product known as time constant
t = RC
t (Greek letter tau) has units of seconds

Duration of a Transient
Length of time that a transient lasts depends on exponential function e-t/t
As t increases
Function decreases
When the t reaches infinity, the function decays to zero

Duration of a Transient
For all practical purposes, transients can be considered to last for only five time constants

Capacitor with an Initial Voltage
Voltage denoted as V0
Capacitor has a voltage on it
Voltage and current in a circuit will be affected by initial voltage

Capacitor with an Initial Voltage

Capacitor Discharging Equations
If a capacitor is charged to voltage V0 and then discharged, the equations become

Capacitor Discharge Equations
Current is negative because it flows opposite to reference direction
Discharge transients last five time constants
All voltages and currents are at zero when capacitor has fully discharged

Capacitor Discharge Equations
Curves shown represent voltage and current during discharge

More Complex Circuits
You may have to use Thévenin’s theorem (those with multiple resistors)
Remove capacitor as the load and determine Thévenin equivalent circuit

More Complex Circuits
Use RTh to determine t
t = RTh∙C
Use ETh as the equivalent source voltage

An RC Timing Application
RC circuits
Used to create delays for alarm, motor control, and timing applications
Alarm unit shown contains a threshold detector
When input to this detector exceeds a preset value, the alarm is turned on

An RC Timing Application

Pulse Response of RC Circuits
Voltage or current that changes from one level to another and back again
Periodic waveform
Pulse train is a repetitive stream of pulses

Pulse Response of RC Circuits
Square wave
Waveform’s time high equals its time low
Length of each cycle of a pulse train is its period

Pulse Response of RC Circuits
Number of pulses per second is its pulse repetition frequency
Width of pulse compared to its period is its duty cycle
Usually given as a percentage

Pulse Response of RC Circuits
Pulses have a rise and fall time
Because they do not rise and fall instantaneously
Rise and fall times are measured between the 10% and 90% points

The Effect of Pulse Width
Width of pulse relative to a circuit’s time constant
Determines how it is affected by an RC circuit
If pulse width >> 5t
Capacitor charges and discharges fully
With the output taken across the resistor, this is a differentiator circuit

The Effect of Pulse Width
If pulse width = 5t
Capacitor fully charges and discharges during each pulse
If the pulse width << 5t
Capacitor cannot fully charge and discharge
This is an integrator circuit

Simple Waveshaping Circuits
Circuit (a) provides approximate integration if   5t >>T
Circuit (b) provides approximate differentiation if T >> 5t

Simple Waveshaping Circuits

Capacitive Loading
Occurs when conductors are separated by insulating material
Leads to stray capacitance
In high-speed circuits this can cause problems