Chapter 18
AC Series-Parallel Circuits

AC Circuits
Rules and laws developed for dc circuits apply equally well for ac circuits
Analysis of ac circuits requires vector algebra and use of complex numbers
Voltages and currents in phasor form
Expressed as RMS (or effective) values

Ohm’s Law
Voltage and current of a resistor will be in phase
Impedance of a resistor is: ZR = RÐ0°

Ohm’s Law
Voltage across an inductor leads the current by 90°(ELI the ICE man)

Ohm’s Law
Current through a capacitor leads the voltage by 90° (ELI the ICE man)

AC Series Circuits
Current everywhere in a series circuit is the same
Impedance used to collectively determine how resistance, capacitance, and inductance impede current in a circuit

AC Series Circuits
Total impedance in a circuit is found by adding all individual impedances vectorially

AC Series Circuits
Impedance vectors will appear in either the first or the fourth quadrants because the resistance vector is always positive
When impedance vector appears in first quadrant, the circuit is inductive

AC Series Circuits
If impedance vector appears in fourth quadrant
Circuit is capacitive

Voltage Divider Rule
Voltage divider rule works the same as with dc circuits
From Ohm’s law:

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
KVL is same as in dc circuits
Phasor sum of voltage drops and rises around a closed loop is equal to zero

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
May be added in phasor form or in rectangular form
If using rectangular form
Add real parts together
Then add imaginary parts together

AC Parallel Circuits
Conductance, G
Reciprocal of the resistance
Susceptance, B
Reciprocal of the reactance

AC Parallel Circuits
Admittance, Y
Reciprocal of the impedance
Units for all of these are siemens (S)

AC Parallel Circuits
Impedances in parallel add together like resistors in parallel
These impedances must be added vectorially

AC Parallel Circuits
Whenever a capacitor and an inductor having equal reactances are placed in parallel
Equivalent circuit of the two components is an open circuit

Kirchhoff’s Current Law
KCL is same as in dc circuits
Summation of current phasors entering and leaving a node
Equal to zero

Kirchhoff’s Current Law
Currents must be added vectorially
Currents entering are positive
Currents leaving are negative

Current Divider Rule
In a parallel circuit
Voltages across all branches are equal

Series-Parallel Circuits
Label all impedances with magnitude and the associated angle
Analysis is simplified by starting with easily recognized combinations

Series-Parallel Circuits
Redraw circuit if necessary for further simplification
Fundamental rules and laws of circuit analysis must apply in all cases

Frequency Effects of RC Circuits
Impedance of a capacitor decreases as the frequency increases
For dc (f = 0 Hz)
Impedance of the capacitor is infinite

Frequency Effects of RC Circuits
For a series RC circuit
Total impedance approaches R as the frequency increases
For a parallel RC circuit
As frequency increases, impedance goes from R to a smaller value

Frequency Effects of RL Circuits
Impedance of an inductor increases as frequency increases
At dc (f = 0 Hz)
Inductor looks like a short
At high frequencies, it looks like an open

Frequency Effects of RL Circuits
In a series RL circuit
Impedance increases from R to a larger value
In a parallel RL circuit
Impedance increases from a small value to R

Corner Frequency
Corner frequency is a break point on the frequency response graph
For a capacitive circuit
wC = 1/RC = 1/t
For an inductive circuit
wC = R/L = 1/t

RLC Circuits
In a circuit with R, L, and C components combined in series-parallel combinations
Impedance may rise or fall across a range of frequencies
In a series branch
Impedance of inductor may equal the capacitor

RLC Circuits
Impedances would cancel
Leaving impedance of resistor as the only impedance
Condition is referred to as resonance

AC circuits may be simplified as a series circuit having resistance and a reactance
AC circuit
May be represented as an equivalent parallel circuit with a single resistor and a single reactance

Any equivalent circuit will be valid only at the given frequency of operation