Chapter 31
Applications of Op-Amps

Op-amp as a Comparator
No negative feedback
Output saturates with very small + or – input

Non-linear device
vout has two discrete values, ±VSAT
vout = +VSAT if + input is greater than – input
vout = –VSAT if – input is greater than + input

A comparator circuit: Sine wave in, square wave out

Input sine wave
Output square wave Vout = ±VSAT
+VSAT (determined by VCC) when sinusoid is +
–VSAT (determined by VEE) when sinusoid is –

Compare input waveform to reference
Reference can be ground or dc source
Can compare two waveforms
Specialized comparator IC’s also available
Detects when waveform reaches given level

Zero-Crossing Detector

Voltage Summing Amplifier

Voltage Summing Amplifier
Inverse sum

Voltage Summing Amplifier
Multiplies each input by

Integrators and Differentiators
In general
Using resistors and capacitors

Integrators and Differentiators
Voltage across capacitor
Current through capacitor

Integrators and Differentiators
Op-amp Integrator

Integrators and Differentiators
Op-amp differentiator
Circuit inherently unstable

Integrators and Differentiators
Stable op-amp differentiator

Instrumentation Amplifiers
Op-amp in differential amplifier configuration
Noise suppression
Reasonable gain
IC instrumentation amps

Instrumentation Amplifiers
An op-amp instrumentation amp circuit

Instrumentation Amplifiers
Measurement of very small voltages
Converts a physical change into an electrical change

Instrumentation Amplifiers
Strain gage
Converts force into ∆R
∆R is milliohms
Use bridge circuit

Instrumentation Amplifiers
Strain gage example
Thin metal foil (resistor) on plastic backing
Glued to metal bar
Bar subjected to tension and compression

Instrumentation Amplifiers
Strain gage example
Resistance of strain gage is R + ∆R
Resistance of strain gage is R – ∆R

Active Filters
Basic filter types
Passive elements, gain < 1
Band reject

Active Filters
With op-amps/active filters
Gain can be ≥ 1
Filter response closer to ideal

Active Filters
Low-pass (RF = R1)
Add resistor for gain > 1

Active Filters
High-pass (RF = R1)
Add resistor for gain > 1

Active Filters
dc gain
Easily achieved
Not used much due to gain-bandwidth product
GBWP = 106, Gain = 10
Cutoff for filter (HP or LP) only 105

Active Filters
Cascade HP and LP active filters
LP must have higher cutoff frequency
HP and LP cutoff frequencies far apart
Can use single op-amp

Active Filters
Narrowband BP circuit

Active Filters
Active notch filter
Cascade narrowband BP filter
Adder circuit
Result is 1 – (frequency response of BP filter)
Frequency at resonant frequency of BP filter will be eliminated

Voltage Regulation
Voltage regulator
Constant voltage to load
Specified current range
Specified input voltage range
Zener diode regulator
Dissipates power

Voltage Regulation
Types of regulators
Fixed voltage regulator
Variable voltage regulator
Switching regulator
Specialized IC regulators
For different voltages, e.g. +5 V, –5 V, +12 V, –12 V, +15 V, –15 V, etc.

Voltage Regulation
Line Regulation
Small output change with change in input

Voltage Regulation
Load regulation
Small output voltage change with smaller RL
VNL = no-load voltage (open-circuit load)
VFL = full-load voltage (specified by manufacturer)

Voltage Regulation
Circuit to increase efficiency of Zener regulator with an op-amp

Voltage Regulation
Three-terminal IC regulators
7800 series, positive voltage
7900 series, negative voltage

Voltage Regulation
5 V output, 7805
12 V output, 7812
–5 V output, 7905
–12 V output, 7912

Voltage Regulation
Greatly reduced by IC regulator
Vr(in) = input ripple voltage
Vr(out) = output ripple voltage