Time: | Tuesday 5.30pm - 8.30pm |
Place: | Kaplan Hall - K105 |
Instructor: | Jeffrey N. Denenberg |
Phone: | (203) 268-1021 |
Fax: | (978) 359-7977 |
Office: | Home |
Email: | jeffrey.denenberg@ieee.org |
Home Page: | http://doctord.dyn.dhs.org:8000, http://doctord.dyndns.org:8000 or http://doctord.webhop.net |
Prerequisites: IE607 - Probability Theory, CS610 - Intermediate Programming in C, CS640 - Computer Organization
· Lecture Notes (Thanks to Dr. Larry Peterson)
· Figures from Tanenbaum, "Computer Networks", 3rd Ed. (PDF Files - Thanks to Dr. Tanenbaum)
· Supplementary Note on Probability (Thanks to Dr. Howard Okrent) contains material not in the book.
· Supplementary Note on Queuing Theory (Thanks to Dr. J. E. Beasly)
· Example Queuing Analysis - A Printer Buffer (Thanks to MathCAD)
Probability and Queuing - A Full Textbook
(Thanks to Ken Vastola, RPI)
This document contains much more than is needed in this course.
The captured structure is not quite complete so use
the original copy at RPI if you want to delve into any holes.
G.E.N.I.S.I.S - A Detailed
Discussion of SYN Atacks and Defenses
(Thanks to Steve Gibson)
The original is at
Steve's Web Site.
Digital Signal Encoding Formats
(Thanks to Waseem Besada, Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm)
The original is at
Waseem's Web Site.
VPN and NAT Routers
(Thanks to Mike Fratto, Planet IT)
The original is at
on Planet IT's Web Site.
Set 1
Set 2
Set 2 Solutions
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
Set 5 solution in "C" (Thanks to Craig Worley)
Set 6
Set 7
· Exam Results: HW; Exams 1, 2, and Comprehensive; Final Grades
· Class Contact List: You need a UserID and PassWord
· Laboratory Assignments:
· Another Forward Error-Correction example
· In my web-wanderings I came across this on-line networks course Introduction to Computer Networks by Jim Kurose. Let me know if you find it useful.
· Another supplement to the lecture of 10/19/99: A better (but more complex) sliding window simulation at http://www-mm.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/veranstaltungen/animation/darmstadt/sliding/applet/SlidingWindowApplet.html
· A supplement to the lecture of 10/26/99: Token Ring Performance
CS Office (or Classroom) 4:30-5:30 Tuesdays
Contact me via Phone, Fax or Email at any reasonable time
Text: Peterson L. & Davie, B. Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1996.
Black, U.
Data Communications Networks & Distributed Processing,
2nd ed., Reston 1987
Housley, T. Data Communications & Teleprocessing
Systems, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall 1987
Martin, J. Telecommunications & the Computer,
2nd ed., Prentice-Hall
*Stallings, W. Data and Computer Communications, 5th
ed., Macmillan 1997
*Tanenbaum, A.S. Computer Networks 3rd edition,
Prentice-Hall 1996
Walrand, J. Communication Networks: A First Course,
Aksen 1991
* previous edition on library reserve
Course Covers:
Layered Reference Models; network topology; communications theory; protocols; virtual circuits and packet switching; local networks (Carrier Sense/Multiple Access, token ring); internetworking & TCP/IP
40% Examinations (2
exams- lowest grade discounted)
40% Final Exam
20% Homework Sets and Laboratory Assignments
There will be no make-up examinations. If you are unable to take one of the mid-term examinations on the assigned date, then its score is automatically dropped. If you are unable to take the final examination on the assigned date, then the instructor will record a course grade of incomplete which can be redeemed by taking the final examination when the course is next offered (usually less than 1 year later).
In case of a class cancellation, use U.S. mail, e-mail, fax, or hand delivery to send in the homework assignment by the Friday following the due date. The activity scheduled for a cancelled meeting date, whether exam or lecture, is automatically postponed to the next class meeting when it is eventually held. After a cancellation, a new tentative schedule will be issued.
Late homework will be penalized 1 point/day, up to a maximum penalty of 5 points. All assignments must be turned in before the final exam to receive credit. Each reading assignment should be completed before the weekly meeting, in preparation for a pop quiz. Homework is due at the meeting following the week when it is assigned.