CS447/CS642 — Computer Networks and Data Communication — Winter 2001


Time: Tuesday 5.30pm - 8.30pm
Place: Kaplan Hall - K105
Instructor: Jeffrey N. Denenberg
Phone: (203) 268-1021
Fax: (978) 359-7977
Office: Home
Email: jeffrey.denenberg@ieee.org
Home Page: http://doctord.dyn.dhs.org:8000, http://doctord.dyndns.org:8000 or http://doctord.webhop.net

Prerequisites: IE607 - Probability Theory, CS610 - Intermediate Programming in C, CS640 - Computer Organization

·         Schedule - Winter 2001

·         Lecture Notes (Thanks to Dr. Larry Peterson)

·         Figures from Tanenbaum, "Computer Networks", 3rd Ed. (PDF Files - Thanks to Dr. Tanenbaum)

·         Supplementary Note on Probability (Thanks to Dr. Howard Okrent) contains material not in the book.

·         Supplementary Note on Queuing Theory (Thanks to Dr. J. E. Beasly)

·         Example Queuing Analysis - A Printer Buffer (Thanks to MathCAD)

·         Probability and Queuing - A Full Textbook (Thanks to Ken Vastola, RPI)
This document contains much more than is needed in this course. The captured structure is not quite complete so use the original copy at RPI if you want to delve into any holes.

·         G.E.N.I.S.I.S - A Detailed Discussion of SYN Atacks and Defenses (Thanks to Steve Gibson)
The original is at Steve's Web Site.

·         Digital Signal Encoding Formats (Thanks to Waseem Besada, Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm)
The original is at Waseem's Web Site.

·         VPN and NAT Routers (Thanks to Mike Fratto, Planet IT)
The original is at on Planet IT's Web Site.

·         Homework:
Set 1 Set 2
Set 2 Solutions
Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
Set 5 solution in "C" (Thanks to Craig Worley)
Set 6 Set 7

·         Exam Results: HW; Exams 1, 2, and Comprehensive; Final Grades

·         Class Contact List: You need a UserID and PassWord

·         Laboratory Assignments: