EE304: Signals and Systems 2
Continuous Signals and Systems
Summer 2005

Linear System


Lecture: Mondays 6:00pm - 10:00pm




Jeffrey N. Denenberg


(203) 268-1021


(440) 860-4705


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EE011: Signals and Systems 1 (or equivalent)

Office Hours:

Engineering Office (McAuliffee) 5:00 PM - 6:00 before class on Mondays
Contact me via Phone, Fax or Email at any reasonable time.


Phillips and Parr, Signals, Systems, and Transforms, 3rd edition, Prentice-Hall 2003,
ISBN 0-13-041207-4


MatLab 4.2c (or later), The Mathworks (4.2c is available from the instructor)


Hsu, Analog and Digital Communications, Schaum's Outlines, McGraw-Hill 1993

Lathi, Linear Systems and Signals, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall 2002

Soliman and Srinath, Continous and Discrete Signals and Systems, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall 1990

Lathi, Linear Systems and Signals, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall 2002

Interactive Text Notes (Chapters 1-7), EE235 Thanks to the University of Washington

Denenberg, Fourier Series

Denenberg, Fourier Transform

Denenberg, Sampling and Reconstruction

Denenberg, Linear Systems

Denenberg, Introduction to Noise

Course Description:

This course provides an introduction to the study of discrete signals and systems. After a short review of continous signals and systems, Signal conversion (Sampling) from analog to discrete-time is studied followed by the representaion of discrete sequences, quantization, and encoding as applied to digital signals. Systems that filter discrete signals are then studied including difference equations and the pulse response. Further, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT, and its more efficient cousin the FFT) and the Z-Transform are considered as extensions of the Fourier Series and Laplace Transform respectively. (3 credits)

Schedule - Fall 2004 (Updated periodically so check regularly)



Understand the principles of signal conversion between analog and discrete-time signals.

Students will practice and learn methods of converting signals between analog and discrete-time signals.

Develop analysis skills in systems that filter discrete-time signals including difference equations, convolution sum, and the z-transform.

Students will analyze and design digital filters digital filters that meet basic specifications.

Understand the properties and use of the Discrete Fourier Transform and Z-Transform.

Students will be able to apply the DFT and Z-Transform to analyze and design discrete-time systems.

Gain proficiency in the use of MatLab to analyze discrete-time signals and systems.

Students will learn the use of this fundamental engineering software tool.

Supplementary Materials:

·       MatLab Tutorial by B. Aliane

·       MatLab files for Phillips and Parr, "Signals, Systems and Transforms", 2rd Ed.: (zip archive - 20 KB) Thanks to Drs. Phillips/Parr and The Mathworks

·       Index to UCLA 102 Practice Sets Thanks to Dr. Paganini

·       Denenberg References In MS Word Format (732KB zip archive)

·       Spectrogram - A spectrum analysis tool (257KB zip archive, freeware for non-commercial use only)

Class Performance Summary: As available


60% Examinations (2 exams)
40% Final Exam

There will be no make-up examinations. If you are unable to take one of the mid-term examinations on the assigned date, let me know in advance to make alternative arrangements. If you are unable to take the final examination on the assigned date, then the instructor will record a course grade of incomplete which can be redeemed by taking the final examination when the course is next offered (usually 1 year later).

In case of a class cancellation, use U.S. mail, e-mail, fax, or hand delivery to send in any assignment by the Friday following the due date. The activity scheduled for a cancelled meeting date, whether exam or lecture, is automatically postponed to the next class meeting when it is eventually held. After a cancellation, an updated schedule will be issued.

Each reading assignment should be completed before the weekly meeting. Homework will be reviewed at the meeting following the week when it is assigned.