Charlotte G. Denenberg, PhD.

- Charlotte's Interests: Executive Management, Fiber Optic
Networks, Telephone System, Tennis, Books
Illinois Institute of Technology
Charlotte (and Jeff) were presented ITT's 2022 "Alumni Medal" award (2022)
- LegiTime
Charlotte is on their Corporate Adivsory Board
NetFabric Charlotte is on
their Board of directors
Market Maker Capital Charlotte
is their CTO
Charlotte Joins Metromedia Fiber
Networks (now AboveNet)
Charlotte was their CTO, 1998-2001
Charlotte's Bio/Interview with
X-Change Magazine (May 2000).
Interview, "Local Networks Grow Fiber as Bandwidth Demand
Escalates", X-Change Magazine (June 2000).
Interview, "MFN lights backbone", TelecomClick
(February, 2001).
Oplink Communications: Charlotte
is on their Scientific Advisory Board
Jeffrey N.
Denenberg, PhD.


- Jeff's Interests: Executive Management, Engineering,
Computer, Communications, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Telephone
and Data Networks, Electronics, Education, Finance, Tennis
Jeff's Short Bio.
Jeff's Full Resume: Includes links to
patent summaries and selected publications
Download a zip archive of Jeff's Resume (MS
Word Format - 8KB)
Jeff's PhD
Thesis, "The Estimation of Spectral Moments"
Jeff's Presentation
to IIT ECE Students - 9/16/2022, "Designing A Phase-Locked-Loop FM Stereo Demodulator"
World Cyberlinks: Jeff
is a member of their Board of Directors
(the Inventor) Patents 20 issued (1973-1997)
Download a
good graphics plug-in for Internet Explorer to see and print Patent
(Free CPCLite from Cartesian Inc., The full CPC
version is $19.95)
Hedy Lamarr: "Worlds Most Beautiful
Woman", Inventor of Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
Jeff (the Professor): Efforts In
Engineering Education
Jeff's Quotables
"Identify something said to be impossible. Determine
why THEY think it's impossible. Change the rules
to make it possible. You have an invention!"
"Credit multiplies; It doesn't divide."
Artificial Intelligence
"AI is defined by experts as machine
emulation of the human thought process, they would be
better off first emulating the thought process of a
"Engineers have an advantage over the rest of the population.
We know how things work and they don't"
"Fair is a four letter word."
"It is said that you learn from your
mistakes. It's better to learn from the mistakes of
others. More quantity - Less pain"
"Global Warming? At least not in Bridgeport
"Originally we huddled in the dark.
Then we domesticated fire and used candles and oil lamps.
They were replaced by kerosene and gas lamps.
And Edison invented the incandescent bulb.
Now incandescent bulbs are being outlawed to be replaced by Compact Florescent Lamps (CFL).
Soon CFLs will be outlawed due to the mercury in them and they will be replaced by LED bulbs.
Then LEDs will be outlawed due to the arsenic in them and we will be back to candles
Then candles and oil/kerosene/gas lamps will be outlawed due to carbon emissions.
and once again we will huddle in the dark.
- Always remember,
"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You
cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You
cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer
down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by
inciting class hatred. You cannot build character
and courage by taking away men's initiative and
independence. You cannot help men permanently by
doing for them what they could and should do for
themselves." William J. H. Boetcker,
Presbyterian Minister (1942 - often incorrectly attributed to
Abraham Lincoln) -
"There is nothing more difficult and dangerous,
more doubtful of success, than an attempt to
introduce a new order of things." Niccolo
Machiavelli, The Prince (1513)
"Tell people something they know already and they will thank
you for it.
Tell them something new and they will
hate you for it." George Monbiot, Speech to
the Enviromedia conference, Johannesburg, South Africa (5
October 2004).
On changing user interfaces,
William F. Buckley (he of the immense vocabulary) was once being
interviewed by a young, brash reporter.
The reporter asked "Mr.
Buckley, do you still use a typewriter to write your books?" Mr.
Buckley responded, "No, I use a word processor". The
surprised reporter asked, "which one?" Mr Buckley
answered "WordStar". "WordStar", the
reported said (almost shouting), "Why WordStar". Mr.
Buckley retorted, "I have heard that there are better word
processors than WordStar, but I've also been told that there are
better languages than English".
Jeff's Favorite Short Stories
(provided here for educational use
"The Last
Isaac Asimov
A classic with a great ending
"The Dwindling Sphere"
Willard E. Hawkins
An early, tongue-in-cheek, comment on the human
tendency to waste resouces
Isaac Asimov
Society's reaction to the unknown
Jeff's Favorite Software Tools
Spectrogram - A spectrum analysis
tool (257KB zip archive, freeware for non-commercial use only -
Visual Analyzer - A software-based,
dual-trace oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer and signal generator
using your sound card. It is limited in frequency range (20Hz to
20kHz, no DC) by your sound card (1.2MB zip archive, freeware -
Apache - The pre-eminent Web
Server (open source, freeware - for Unix and Windows)
Free Download Manager
- Fast and reliable downloads (open source, freeware - for Windows)
HTML-Kit - A great,
non-WSIWIG, HTML editor (open source, freeware - Windows)
CrushFTP - A feature-rich,
java-based, FTP Server, works behind a low-cost NAT Router and
works with DynSite (below) to handle Dynamic IPs: (shareware,
see NAT Routers, Dynamic IPs and
CrushFTP for background information
DynSite - A good Windows IP updating
client, compatible with most Dynamic IP hosting services
(shareware, $15)
- A good Windows FTP Client (The LE version is freeware for
non-commercial use only)
WinZip - A good compressing
archiver (shareware, $29)
ZoneAlarm -
The best software-based firewall for Windows (freeware for
non-commercial use only)
Reference Material (Download
a zip archive - 1.2 MB)
Fourier Series
Fourier Transform
Linear Systems
Sampling and
Reconstruction - under construction
The Discrete Fourier Transform
The z-Transform
Bandwidth and Noise
Introduction to Noise
Mathematics Background
Approximation Theory
Demonstration 3D Pole-Zero
plot in MatLab
Understanding the FFT: Comb
Filter Banks
Active Noise Cancellation:
Presentation Slides (ppt),
Diesel Generator Audio (mp3)
IEEE Potentials Paper: ANC Overview,
CSX Muffler Paper,
Active Compressor Engine Silencer,
Energy Savings via ANC, INCE
Paper (Siren Headset)
Designing A Phase-Locked-Loop FM Stereo Demodulator
Presentation Slides (ppt)
Presentation Abstract
1970 IEEE paper
Recorded Presentation 2023-11-16
Fairfield University - SOE Youtube Video
CR245: Digital Design Lab
CR331-BEN331: Biomedical Signal Processing
ECE410: Voice Signal
ECE411: Digital Signal Processing
EG31: Fundamentals of
Engineering 1
EG31: Fundamentals of Engineering 1 (old references)
EG32: Fundamentals of
Engineering 2
EE212: Computer-Aided Circuit
EE213: Circuit Analysis 1
EE213L/PS212L: Circuit Analysis 1 Laboratory
EE221: AC Circuit Analysis
EE231: Electronics 1
EE231L: Electronics 1 Laboratory
EE245: Digital Design
EE301: Signals and Systems 1
EE304: Signals and Systems 2
EE315/ECE451: Nanoelectronics
EE321: Intro to Electromagnetic Fields
EE331: Electronics 2
EE331L: Analog Electronics Laboratory 2
EE350/ECE490: Communication Systems
EE352/ECE485: Digital Communication Systems
EE356: Digital Signal Processing
EE357: Telecommunications
EE360/ECE505: Power Electronics
EE361/ECE461: Green Power Generation
EE377/ECE477: Power Security and Reliability
EE379/ECE479: Communication Systems
ECE496: Power Fault Analysis
EE383/ECE480: Wireless Systems
EE385/ECE485: Power Generation and Distribution
EE391: Probability and Noise
ENGR2145: Mathematical Analysis
SW345: Computer Networks
GK415: Introduction to
Information Systems
EG300/ME400: Feedback and Control Systems
MC301: Digital Control Systems
PS15: Guest Lecture on Momentum 10/18/2012
SW461: Pattern Recognition
Distance Education via the Fairfield
University Learnlinc Server
SNET Technical Study Program
SNET Study Program Lecture Notes, J. N. Denenberg, 2002-2004,
SNET Study Program Class Recordings, J. N. Denenberg, 2002-2004,
iLinc Player, Needed to play the recordings on Windows
University of New Haven
CS107: Introduction
to Data Processing
CS216: Computer Organization Laboratory
CS447/CS642: Networks and
Data Communication
CS610: Intermediate
EE235: Analog
EE247: Electronics I
EE202: Network Analysis
EE320: Random
Signal Analysis
EE650: Random Signal
EE452/652: Digital
Filter Design
EE634: Digital Signal Processing
EE646: Digital Communication
Systems I
EE647: Digital Communication
Systems II
EE670k: Telecommunications
Southern Connecticut State
University University
CSC205: Digital Design
CSC460: Computer Networks
and Data Communications
Sacred Heart University
CS621: Data Networks
- Stacey's Family:
Husband: Robert Seltzer -
Daughters: Adela Rose, Lila Pearl
Stacey's Interests: Business, Biology, Squash, Ballroom
Dancing, Tennis
Stacey's Lecture at
Wharton, February 19, 2007
"Recruiting Biotech
Talent", BioPharm International, March 15, 2003
Stacey's Resume
Stacey's Masters Thesis:
"The Role of the N terminal region of the Flagellar Switch
protein FliG"
Stacey Ranked
#3 in Women's 3.0 Massachusetts Squash for 2001
Ballroom Dancing Results
Flash (circa September, 1985) runs in a DOS shell under any version
of windows.
A great math game for kids.
Stacey's Mathematics Flashcard Program
Executable which needs runtime support (below),
Compiled Basic Runtime Support
Executable Required for the above executable,
Stacey's Mathematics Flashcard Program
Basic Source Code (needs Basic Interpreter), or
Stacey's Mathematics Flashcard Program
Zip Archive which contains all three files.
Scott A.
Denenberg, PhD.


- Scott's Family:
Wife: Emily Lilly Denenberg -
Children: Noah Truxton, Liv Beatrice
- Scott's Interests: Tennis, Robots, Computers,
Programming, Chess, Soccer
Scott's Resume
Scott's Valedictorian Speech -
THS June 17, 2003
Scott's Soliton Article in IEEE Communications Magazine (12/2006)
Scott's Masters Thesis - University of Illinois (12/2010)
Cable Noise in Impedance Measurements
Scott's PhD Thesis - University of Illinois (2014)
Magnetostatic Sensors for Rapid Imaging of Steel Pipeline Properties
Veo Robotics Gives Industrial Robots a Sixth Sense for Safely Working Around People, TechCrunch (5/2/2017)
Veo Robotics helps humans and robots to work together safely, YouTube (5/2/2017)
Member: United States Racquet Stringers Association
strings tennis, racquetball and squash racquets
Harvard Tennis Bio
Scott selected as ITA Scholar-Athlete in 2006
and in 2007
Scott selected for
All Ivy Men's Academic Honors in Men's Tennis (2006)
Scott selected to the All
Ivy League Men's Tennis Doubles Second Team (2006)
Scott's NCAA Results This Year: singles,
NCAA Articles
Harvard Crimson -
February 14, 2005
Harvard Crimson -
June 1, 2006
Harvard Crimson -
October 24, 2006
Harvard Crimson -
February 20, 2007
Harvard Crimson -
February 20, 2007 #2
Scott's USTA Junior Tennis: Rankings 2002,
USTA junior rankings were based on the Star (Sirius Software)
point system until 12/03. Points were awarded (or lost) based on
the difference betweeen an individual and his/her opponent's
current point total over a 12 month period of play. The process
was iterated until a stable rank order is established.
As of 01/04 the USTA switchied to an ATP/ITF-like system which is
based on how far the player gets in each of his/her best 8
tournaments in the previous 12 months. There are also bonus
points for extra-ordinary wins over highly ranked players.
USTA Junior New England: Best Rankings
4 - 12/1997
Birthday: 04/07/1985
10 - 03/2000
1 -
12/1999 David Marshal
6 - 03/2002
Stopped playing 16's 09/2001
3 - 12/2003
- USTA Junior National: Best Rankings
267 - 02/2002
SSL Listing
55 - 12/2003
National Rank (Sirius
Star System)
30 - 12/2002 Marshal
- Note: There are two different USTA national player listings
SSL - The Standings and Seedings List typically ranks
more than 1000 players in each age/sex category. It is updated
regularly (at least in the middle of each month) and is used to
determine priority for entry into National tournaments.
National Ranking - The National Ranking List has more
stringent participation qualifications than the SSL and normally
lists fewer than 300 players in each age/sex category.
Preliminary singles lists are published in the middle of each
month and include results for the previous 12 full months; They
are finalized at the beginning of the following month. The
doubles lists are published covering a calendar year shortly
after the end of each year. The ranking lists are archived
(Starting in 1999) by the USTA.
Included Matches - Only matches played in National or
high-level regional tournaments count towards National Ranking
or SSL points.
Scott's ITF
(International Tennis Foundation) Junior record
Scott's ITF
(International Tennis Foundation) Men's record
The ITF uses a ranking system that is similar to that of the ATP.
Points are awarded according to wins in an ITF tournament and the
tournament's estimated level of play. In general, no points are
awarded for a first round win or wins in a back draw. You need to
have some points in the current year to have an ITF ranking
Fairfield County (FCIAC) Most Valuable Player: 2002, 2003
Connecticut High School Class LL Championships:
2000 Quarter
2001, 2002,
and 2003
Connecticut High School State Open Championships:
2001 Finalist
2002 Champion -
Articles: CT Post,
NH Register,
and Danbury
New England High School Championships: 2001 Finalist
High School All-Star Tennis Teams:
Connecticut Post: 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003
New Haven Register: 2000, 2001 and 2002(MVP)
Hartford Courant: 2002
SNET CT High School All State Tennis Team: 2001
, 2002
High School All-American Tennis Team: 2002
Scott's All-American
2001-2002 All-American
Selections the original is at
National High School Tennis
All-American Foundation
Trumbull Times
Article - 07Nov2002 (corrected)
Student Projects
CAPT 2000 Competition, Lake Compounce, CT
Street Sweeper, Received a "Creativity Award" (The
"Snow Plows" won)
Wired remote control
Move pile of 3-inch nails across boundary
CAPT 2001 Competition, Lake Compounce, CT
Pencil Launcher, won 1st place
Click on the picture to enlarge it.
HandyBoard Controller
(68HC11), with the I/O
Expansion Board
Programmed in "C"
using Interactive C
v3.2 and the I/O
expansion library
Front wheel drive, axel rotation sensor
Mouse trap powered crossbow, servo trigger
CAPT 2002 Competition, Lake Compounce, CT
Hovercraft, An exciting breakdown
(the propeller came loose
and launched 100 feet into the air)
Powerful 12vdc motor with dual propeller (4-blade)
14.4 volt NiMh battery (2 x 7.2 v 1.8 amp-hour in series)
Styrofoam "pyramid" body with internal thin plywood
layer to hold motor
Dual pressure chamber, parallel air feed to skirt and air
Weller Foundation: 2003 Senior Scholarship Competition
Hybrid Electric Bicycle - won 1st prize (a $12,000
Click on the picture to enlarge it.
Project Proposal
Project Final Report
(Large File)
Powerful 24vdc motor and 4.3 inch Timing Sheave friction drive
2 x 12v 12 amp-hour SLA batteries in series
"Saddle Bag" motor and battery mounting system
Computer instrumented and controlled
LCD Display Indicates
Speed and Distance Travelled
Motor Voltage, Battery Voltage and Battery Current
Watt-Hours Utilized and Watt-Hours Regenerated
HandyBoard Controller
(68HC11), with the I/O
Expansion Board
in "C" using Interactive
C v3.2 and the I/O
expansion library
Use "Google" - our favorite search engine
More Denenbergs
- The Denenberg Family of
Omaha Nebraska - Site includes information on many Denenbergs,
in addition to those in Omaha.
Beatrice P. Denenberg - Jeff's mother
Joseph B. Denenberg - Jeff's father
Burton H. Denenberg - Jeff's older brother at
Judy Sklair - Burt's Wife
Joel Denenberg - Burton's older son at
Fred Denenberg - Burton's younger son at
Alan Denenberg - Jeff's middle brother (Jeff is the youngest)
Mary Lou Zittman - Alan's first Wife
Jay Denenberg - Alan's first son at
Lin Fei - Jay's wife
Jill Denenberg Cohen - Alan's first daughter
Michael Cohen - Jill's husband
Todd Denenberg - Alan's second son
Beth Denenberg - Alan's second daughter
Sam Jordan - Beth's husband
Doug Denenberg - Alan's third son
Vicki Brown - Alan's second wife
Nicole Denenberg - Alan's third daughter
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